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Această femeie care la aproape 50 de ani arată de 20 susține că a descoperit elixirul tinereții. Și e mai simplu de obținut decât îți imaginai

O americancă de 48 de ani pare că a descoperit Fântâna Tinereții. Și nu e vorba despre o pastilă-minune sau operații estetice. E ceva ce poate fi pus în practică de oricine: alimentație echilibrată și sport.

Laura Gordon, 48, from Charlotte, South Carolina, has been working out since she was 23...and regularly gets mistaken for someone twenty years younger

Laura Gordon a început să facă sport regulat de când avea 23 de ani și susține că așa a ajuns la aproape 50 de ani să fie confundată cu o puștoaică.

Gordon's intense fitness routine has given her a perfectly toned body

Laura does three one-hour weight sessions in the gym and five home DVD work-outs a week

A lotta work! But Laura says the perpetual training has been worth it for a healthy body

Laura spune că avea 23 de când a început să facă sport prima dată.

The paycheck! Laura compares working out to working for a company, where you put the hours in and you're rewarded at the end of the month.

The bikini-loving gym bunny has amasses more than 400,000 followers on Instagram

At the drive-thru...but there's no processed foods for Laura, who also credits her physique with eating clean

Laura says her husband, 39, does worry about her new-found internet fame, fearing her scantily clad images might attract the wrong sort of attention

Americanca nu are copii, iar soțul ei, e cu 10 ani mai tânăr.

And repeat (for decades!): Laura works out five times a week at home to exercise DVDS

It's what they call a bubble butt...Laura says there is no magic formula: 'I eat healthy food all the time, that's why I'm not fat.'

Laura decided to take control of her internet photos after she realised people were using her image without asking and not talking about how old she is


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